Hello all,
Hope your all doing well.
In addition to the changing of the site's URL last week, I have also decided to change the site's header and footer to make it more inline with the URL.
Originally I was unsure whether to change the header so that returning users who had not yet heard of the change could get used to it.
With the above in mind I will not be changing the footer until atleast the 13th of March or some time just after. This gives atleast two and a half weeks for users to get used to the new URL and provide any feedback and/or ideas about the changing of the Header and footer.
Feedback/ideas request
Below will be some screenshots of what the new header and footer will look like. Please feel free to leave any feedback regarding this change, either a comment under this post or using the contact and help page form.
Image below of New header and footer with the old header and footer below it.

Different variations

What it looks like in practice, Header:

What it looks like in practice, Footer:
